****************************** And we have our winners!! ***************************************
Camille from Ellisville!
and Andrea from Ballwin!
I will get your treat cards to you soon.
Thank you to everyone who participated!!!!!
If you didn’t win, don’t despair. You can still get some free Andy’s Frozen Custard. Join their Yum Squad and you will get a free treat on your birthday. You also get a free cone with custard just for signing up. Win win, right?!
Who doesn’t like frozen custard?
No one, that’s what I thought.
My all-time favorite place for frozen custard, and I’ve tried several, is Andy’s Frozen Custard.
In May 2003 (see I even remember the date, almost) my future husband took me to meet his parents in Springfield, MO. One of the first things we did on our trip there was go to Andy’s. It is a family favorite of my spouses family.
I had a strawberry banana concrete.
It was so good.
Every time we made a trip back to Springfield over the next several years, we HAD to stop at Andy’s, at least once.
We moved to the St. Louis area over three years ago. And guess what, no Andy’s here. Sure they have other frozen custard places, and like I said, I’ve tried them…
But, a few weeks ago I heard that Andy’s is coming to St. Louis! (insert happy dance) They are set to open near the end of this month, in Kirkwood, MO.
I am convinced that everyone will love Andy’s.
Even if it’s not your new favorite, you will still be amazed with whatever you get.
And, I want to encourage you all to come out and try Andy’s.
On top of that, we here at Eat It & Say Yum, wanted to make it possible for someone to try it for FREE! Well, when Andy’s Frozen Custard heard about this desire of ours, they wanted to help. So they hooked us up with two treat cards, TWO!
UPDATE: That means that TWO of you lucky St. Louis area readers, are going to get to go to Andy’s Frozen Custard for FREE!
We are opening the contest up to anyone who lives near an Andy’s. We will reserve one treat card for the St. Louis area, but the second card can be won by anyone near an Andy’s!
You may send us a message on facebook to tell us how much you love us, now.
(That is optional, I’m just throwing that option to praise us out there.)
If you want to enter to WIN one of these treat cards, then you need to do three things.
(Yeah, sorry, but you have to work for this one!)
1. Go like our facebook page.
2. Share this link on your facebook page.
(Because your friends might be mad if they find out you didn’t tell them about this great deal.)
3. Come back here and leave a comment on this post saying you did both of the previous steps. Also, tell us what town you live in, we want to see where our readers are.
The winners will be announced on facebook and this blog post.
Each treat card is good for one treat of you choice at Andy’s Frozen Custard.
The contest will close on Friday September 27th at midnight. The winners will be announced the following morning (Saturday the 28th).
Before the winners are announced I will verify that they have both completed all steps to enter the contest.
After the winners have been announced they will have 24 hours to contact me (via facebook or this blog) to claim their prize.
Easy enough, right?!
Even if you don’t win, because let’s face it, more than two people are gonna enter… Then you should still go try Andy’s.
My favorite treat to get from there is the James Brownie Funky Jackhammer. It has peanut butter, brownie chunks, hot fugde, and vanilla custard, I mean YUM!
So, I recommend that one. But, really, anything you get there is delish.
Also, Andy’s has locations across the Midwest region, so find one near you and make a custard pit stop next time you out. 🙂
We were not paid or compensated in any to run this giveaway.
Andy’s did provide the treat cards that are being given away.
We are planning a second little giveaway for everyone, anywhere. Coming soon!
Andy’s is my favorite custard too! This is exciting news! Nothing else comes close! I did steps one and two, this is my step three 🙂 live in wildwood.
I gotta try that James Brownie Funky Jackhammer! I’ve done all the steps and live in Manchester.
I made the Peach Pie Waffles for brunch Sunday and everybody raved about them. We ate them and said, “yum”!
Done with steps 1 and 2. I live in Ballwin.
Liked and shared 🙂 – Ballwin
Wish I was near an Andy’s!! Love the blog though!! Keep up the great work!
Love Andy’s!! I live in Chesterfield, but I go down to Branson all the time because we have a time share at Big Cedar. Your page is awesome!!
Oh, yes I did both steps:)
I did it! I live in Ballwin…in your ward! I’ve actually never been to Andy’s so that would be a fun date night for Joe and I!
Done. I live in St. Louis. Happy to hear of a great new place to go and get custard.
I love in St. Louis and would love to try Andy’s!
Yo yo! Shared, liked and live in Ellisville!
I’m not sure how to share a link??? But I liked your facebook page:) I LOVE your recipes! I live in Ballwin, Mo.
Wahoo! I am soo excited!
And you said you never win! Hehe.